BELBIN GetSet Profiles for Students
Belbin Copyright Warning
Please let us help you to access the legal versions.
There is simply no free legal Belbin Questionnaire or free Belbin Test (irrespective of whether you are a business, school, university, government department or consultant).
Getting it right, copyright Matters.
Have you ever completed a Belbin questionnaire but didn’t get a detailed .pdf report with your results? Have you ever added up the scores yourself?
You may have seen or found a document that claims to be a Belbin test.
If so you were probably breaking Belbin’s copyright and you definitely missed out on the real Belbin.
Click this link to see what a legal Belbin Profile generated from the latest version of GetSet looks like.
So what’s the difference?
Belbin questionnaires can only be completed through our purpose built computer system, which analyses the results, comparing your scores to thousands of others and taking in the feedback of your colleagues for a full 360 degree view. We produce a detailed, unique and informative report which shows your whole spectrum of strengths and weaknesses – not just “which Team Role am I?”
We frequently receive enquiries requesting information on the copyright of Belbin materials. In particular, the use of the self-scoring paper Self-Perception Inventory (SPI) originally published in Meredith Belbin’s book, Management Teams: Why They Succeed or Fail (1981). To clarify our position, we own the copyright and do not allow this questionnaire to be reproduced in any form. Individuals may purchase the book (1st and 2nd editions) and complete the SPI for their own personal development, but any copying or wider usage is an infringement of copyright. The 3rd edition of Management Teams: Why They Succeed or Fail offers the reader one free online Belbin Individual Report.
What's wrong with self-scoring?
We do not allow the use of the self-scoring questionnaire. Apart from its reproduction being a breach of our copyright, it is:
Obsolete (no Specialist role) - Lacking balance of observer input - Not properly normed - Does not offer any Team Role advice.
Replacing Belbin's up to date, easily accessible and fairly priced profiles with an infringing copy is also not fair.
Copying and using the Belbin SPI, even by an educational body, is simply not considered fair use / fair dealing.
There is a clear and negative financial impact upon the copyright owner because of such use. The infringing versions of a Belbin SPI are being used in place of Belbin’s well-known, established and easily accessed commercial versions.
Such use thus undermines Belbin sales of legitimate teaching materials / profiles and reports and is simply not fair.
Using the infringing work also affects the market and good will for the sanctioned and current work. The SPI in question is now clearly outdated and inferior, thus every use (especially when endorsed by a school or University) is actually promoting a version of Belbin that damages and undermines the reputation and integrity of the current commercial and sanctioned tools.
The use of any infringing SPI is an unfair substitute for Belbin’s current products and it causes the copyright owner to lose revenue, and the ability to showcase their legitimate tools.
If you are unsure about the testing your organisation is using, or would like further advice, please contact the Belbin office.
We will, and do, take legal action against companies, institutions and individuals using unauthorised versions.
Remember, there is no free Belbin Questionnaire or free Belbin Test (irrespective of whether you are a business, school, university, government department or consultant).
If you are unsure about the testing your organisation is using, or would like further advice, please contact the Belbin office.
We will, and do, take legal action against companies, institutions and individuals using unauthorised versions.
If you are unsure about the testing your organisation, department, university or school is using, or would like further advice, please contact the Belbin office or the Distributor to be certain you are not breaking the law.
We will be delighted to help you to acquire and correctly use the legal and far more effective versions of The Belbin Model and our approved FREE resources. We would love to have you as a client and to help you make the best possible use of the model for your employees or students legally.
Contact us and we will be delighted to help you use the right Belbin products.
Email us at or phone us on 1300 731 381 (we won't bite).